Seven Simple Truths


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Dear Pastors and Church Leaders,
I would like to take this opportunity to extend to you an offer of friendship and invite you to partner with me in my mission to reach 1 million souls with this book by 2010.  I know that this sounds like a tall order but when you consider that each book is designed to be read and passed on to 12 people you see that it's a lot easier than it seems at first.  Even so, I know that I can not do it on my own but with God's help and yours I am confident that together we can easily reach this goal.
I know that our Lord wants us to honor and support each other and in the spirit of that Truth I would like to offer a double tithe to your church from the proceeds of this book.  What I mean by that is that I would like to give 20% of the proceeds from all of the book orders that might be generated through your church's support of my mission directly to your ministry.  I would not ask you to sell my book directly, only to make it available to anyone in your congregation who might wish to order it.  I would also like the opportunity to visit your church to share my testimony and speak briefly about my book and my mission.
It is so important that people get their hands on these " 7 SImple Truths" that I would give them away if I could, and maby one day with your help I'll be able to do just that.
Thank you for your help, and thank God for You.
Rev. James Matthews
Illuminated Word Ministries
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